The Power of Crystals

The Power of Crystals

Pythagoras said – First the stone, then the planet, then the Animals, then the Man, after Man the great Spirit…

Crystal has been used by Man since thousands of years. There are legends about its use in every culture.

They are the most exciting, powerful psychic tools, for they act as transmitters and amplifiers of health, happiness, love, success and prosperity and they enhance the home and workplace with both energy and protection. If you wonder why crystals contain so much power, you should know that the oldest object found on earth was a tiny fragment of Zircon discovered in western Australia that is 4,404 billion years old. The great antiquity of every crystal as well as its formation by rushing water, volcanic fire, the earth, and the winds give crystals a depth that connects the innate spiritual nature. 

Crystal tumblers 1

Crystals release this power quite naturally as we hold, display or wear them as jewelry, and they transform in ways we scarcely understand, negativity flowing in our lives from whatever source to positive energies. they radiate joy and healing as they catch light. They are a gentle, non-invasive system of holistic healing with no side effects. Suitable for everybody even children and animals, they can also benefit your environment and your homes.

                          Sharing a few tips to cleans, energies and connect with your crystal. 

They have the ability to receive energy, store energy and transmit energy it is therefore essential that you clean your  and energies them frequently.

  • Use a glass bowl to clean your crystals never use metal containers.
  • Use clear water.
  • Do not use salt.
  • Crystals like selenite cannot be immersed in water.
  • A singing bowl can be used to cleans many crystals.
  • Keep them in moonlight.
  • Meditate with your them.
  • Carry them along with you.
  • Keep it under your pillow.
  • Show gratitude by offering them flowers.
Hope this information is helpful it